Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Lord. C. (2006). Rules. New York, NY: Scholastic Press.

In Lord's book, Rules, we meet Catherine, a twelve year old gir who longs to have a normal life. She established many rules that she teaches her brother, David, who has Autism. She hopes that by having set rules David won't embarass her, or her family. Catherine soon becomes friends with her new next door neighbor, and Jason, whom she meets at the clinic. Catherine feels that she has to keep both friendships seperate. Her feelings of guilt make her reflect on her own behavior. By the end of the story, the reader can tell how  Catherine's attitude changes.  She realizes that perhaps she was being somewhat selfish.  As the plot develops she learns to accept David, and Jason for who they are. 

This is a great book to read after reading Out of my mind. As a class, students can compare and contrast both stories. Out of my mind, tells the story through a person who struggles with an illness. Rules, tells the story through the eyes of a family member of a person with Autism. It will be interesting to hear the students share their thoughts and ideas about the two books.

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