Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hitler youth

Bartoletti, S. 2005. Hitler youth  Growing up in Hitler's Shadow. NY: Scholastic.

This book tells of a young group of people who were excited to be part of the Hitler Youth group. Hitler’s beliefs and ideas were instilled into children from a very young age. The young were trained in strict camps and worked long hours. They were taught how to fight, and kill their enemies. Many faithfully believe that it was all for a better Germany. Other youth on the other hand began to see the brutality and destruction before them. We learn of the experiences of some of the Hitler Youth during the Holocaust. Many finally realized that they had helped in a terrible crime against humanity. In her book, Bartoletti uses photographs to illustrate the historical events. A brief description is added with each photograph. She also includes quotes in her text from people that she interviewed and other sources who are listed in her bibliography. Lastly, an index is included at the end of the book.

Watch the book trailer for Hitler Youth Growing up in Hitler's Shadow:

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